
Advisor/Success Coach 学生参与 & 注册服务
Sr Advisor/Success Coach Center for Major Exploration
Sr Advisor/Success Coach - Male Achiev 学生参与 & 注册服务

  • Bachelor of 艺术 in Psychology from Winthrop University
  • 北卡罗莱纳大学夏洛特分校临床心理健康咨询硕士


The Botanical Gardens.




问问题! 没有人能把所有的事情都弄清楚,所以他们可能和你想的一样.

  • 康涅狄格大学人类发展与家庭研究理学学士学位
  • 詹姆斯麦迪逊大学咨询心理学/大学生人事管理教育硕士

I'm a huge New England Patriots fan. 去拍!

这座塔 & Garden Fountain park.

Tonelson Garden in the middle of 韦伯中心. It's a great spot to have lunch outside.

Getting to know each student, learning about your dreams, and then turning those dreams into a reality. I enjoy being there for you throughout the journey of college!

ODU is a great place. There are so many opportunities and great people. It's also got a great sense of school spirit here. 所以,一定要充分利用这所大型大学所提供的一切!

Set 2 alarms, check your email frequently, and ask questions!

  • 获得Old Dominion University体育管理学士学位
  • Master of Science in 教育 From Old Dominion University

我喜欢旅行. 我去过英国、法国、丹麦、德国、瑞典和奥地利. I have also completed two half marathons.


考夫曼购物中心. It's nice to see all the trees and the grass. It's a great place to just sit and relax for a few minutes.

我喜欢帮助学生学习和了解他们作为一个人是谁. 我也很高兴看到他们在一段时间内成长,并意识到他们真正的潜力.

我在这里读本科和研究生的时候都有一段很棒的经历. 我喜欢这所大学的社区感觉,以及学生群体的多样性.

作为第一代大学生,我知道寻求帮助是可以的. The faculty and staff members are here to help you succeed. Do not be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and ask for help. Being the first person in my family to attend college, 我发现探索大学的不同领域并使大学经历成为我自己的经历很重要.

Advisor/Success Coach 学生参与 & 注册服务
办公室经理 Center for Major Exploration

  • 在Old Dominion University获得人类服务理学学士学位/辅修心理学
  • 获得Old Dominion University高等教育学生事务教育学硕士学位

I love dance fitness.

Anywhere in the Ghent area.

星巴克 and the Student 娱乐 Center.



Try to get involved on campus; never be afraid to ask questions!

  • Bachelor of Science in Exercise & Sprots Science from Coastal Carolina University.
  • Master of Science in 教育 from Old Dominion University.

I'm in a Darius Rucker music video.

Granby/Waterside, lots of restaurants and events happen there.

The pond area by the Oceanography building.

Empowering students to achieve their goals!

The environment at ODU is welcoming, 而且有很多机会可供学生利用.

Check your email regularly; get involved with something on campus!

  • University of Phoenix; Human 服务s Intended

I served in the United States Marine Corps.

海景泳滩 & Pier; I love the view and also fishing.

沙拉外带! Always fresh and healthy eating.

It gives Freshmen a vital connection to the University. 他们可以和教练讨论任何事情,教练会让他们觉得这样做很舒服.

The diverse atmosphere; I love meeting students from other cultures and countries.

Enjoy every facet of this time in your life. Make friends, learn and live!

Advisor/Success Coach Center for Major Exploration
Advisor/Success Coach 学生参与 & 注册服务
Advisor/Success Coach Center for Major Exploration

  • bet8体育娱乐入口人类服务学学士,辅修传播学
  • Master of Science in 教育 from Old Dominion University


在诺福克高级奥特莱斯,有很多购物和探索的好地方. 我也很喜欢Get Well Soon这家当地的商店,在那里我可以做瑜伽和冥想.

The dock near Whitehurst beach. It is a floating dock where you can relax and catch a good sunset. 或者托内尔森花园,一个不错的户外角落,你可以在那里休息一下,吃午饭.

我最喜欢做教练的部分是见证我的学生从年初到年底的成长. 从高中到大学的过渡往往是压倒性的,所以看到学生们克服任何障碍,在课堂内外实现他们的目标,这是令人鼓舞的.

ODU在我心中占有特殊的位置,因为我不仅从ODU获得了两个学位, 但我也从日常生活中见证了社区是多么的支持和友好. The campus just has a certain charm to it that I appreciated. ODU is a great place to learn & grow through whatever phase of life you are in!

Don't let the stress from classes, transitioning to college, or life stop you from achieving your dreams. Find what is important to you, 你看重什么, and take the little steps each day to pursue those things. If you fall get back up

  • 北达科他州立大学英语教育学士学位
  • 获得Old Dominion University高等教育教育学硕士学位

I have been to 17 countries and 48 states (so far).

The Norva is a great venue for live music!


I enjoy connecting with students and helping them succeed at ODU.


Don't be afraid to try something new. 大学是探索新兴趣和结识新朋友的最佳时机

  • Bachelor of 艺术 in Sociology from the University of North Florida
  • Old Dominion University高等教育理学硕士学位

I competed in the World Championships for Color Guard twice.

我喜欢根特,但如果让我选一个地方,我肯定会选草莓地. Their gelato is amazing!

The Michael and Kimthanh Lê Planetarium. It is such a unique attraction to have on our campus.


ODU knows that it has a diverse population of students, 他们有意提供资源来满足这些学生的需求. 我很感激ODU为我提供的机会,我希望能把它传递给下一批学生.

Professors are people too! They understand that sometimes real life happens, 只要确保与他们沟通,并确保使用适当的电子邮件礼仪(如果你不知道,请咨询成功教练!)

Advisor/Success Coach Center for Major Exploration

  • Bachelor of 艺术 in Foreign Language.
  • bet8体育娱乐入口教育咨询理学硕士.

I'm from Brazil and I speak Portuguese, Spanish, and Language.




Even though I am far away from home, I feel at home at ODU.

给 your best and don't be afraid to ask for help.